The wings she will find…


She walked onto the fire
When others said no…
As the devotion she rendered...
Was from her deep heart's core…

Her efforts not known…
No empathy was shown…
The blaze had no temper...
The greater it grown…

Burning in flame…
Leaving bright splinters painted with pain…
At the end of all
Ashes she became…

Floating in the winds…
With no direction at her glimpse…
No hope to secure in her secret vault…
She rolled in cold winds…

Passing a great time…
Floating free and wild…
in a moment she had no clue…
The wings she will find…

Setting herself free…
Navigating to her zeal…
She became a diety
A Phoenix all will see...

Originally published in my own blog" Flower photo created by jcomp —



Samangi Wadinambi Arachchi

I am a PhD candidate passionate about exploring how to elevate human capabilities using digital interactive systems.